Charla "Sinergias con Athena" en el Taller de sinergia de misiones de Astrofísica

Talk "Synergies with Athena" at Astrophysics Mission Synergy Workshop

    Charla "Sinergias con Athena" en el Taller de sinergia de misiones de Astrofísica

    Matteo Guainazzi, the future Athena Study Scientist, gave a presentation on “Synergies with Athena” at the Astrophysics Mission Synergy Workshop held on Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics on March 31st, 2017. This one day workshop aimed to explore the potential synergies between current and future astronomical facilities and to examine some of the technical and programmatic aspects of the required coordination. Matteo discussed about Athena ongoing and future synergy exercises and emphasised some of the main scientific synergies already identified during the course of the Athena-ESO synergy exercise.

    The talk is available now at this portal.