Simulation Tools
Athena catalogs for stray light simulation
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), non-active galaxies and cluster of galaxies mock catalogs in SIXTE format, ready to be used in Athena stray light simulations:
- AGN: g07_a100deg2_bright_sixte_v4_20210603.tar.gz
- Non-active galaxies: galaxies_a100deg2_bright_sixte_v3_20210430.tar.gz
- Galaxy clusters: clusters_a100deg2_bright_sixte_v2_20210603.tar.gz
Full details and catalogs over different sky areas and for different source classes available at INAF-OAS Bologna under this link.The catalogs here include a 0.5-2 keV flux cut at 10-18 erg s-1 cm-2.
Note: the files have been modified on 3 June 2021. People who downloaded the mocks before that date should download them again.