The Athena Community
NewAthena Science Community: The call for membership is now open!
The NewAthena Science Community (NASC) is the ensemble of scientists supporting the development of the science case of the mission.
Membership is NOW OPEN to scientists at any career stage, including students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, research staff, retirees, and those in private enterprises involved in the NewAthena Study. No formal prerequisites are required.
Please fill out registration at this webpage. Deadline March 16th, 2025.
Important note for members of the Athena science community: due to the GDPR of the European Parliament, members of the Athena science community must re-apply to the NASC. They shall not assume that their membership in the Athena science community can be transferred to the NASC without taking any actions. Responding to the ACO call for membership is mandatory to become a member of the NASC!
NewAthena Science Study Team
Dr Matteo Guainazzi - ESA project scientist - ESTEC/ESA, Prof Didier Barret - X-IFU PI - Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, Prof Kirpal Nandra - WFI PI - Max-Planck-Institute für extraterrestrische Physik, Dr James Aird - University of Edinburgh, Dr Laura Brenneman - NASA representative - Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Dr Elisa Costantini - SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Dr Thomas Dauser - Dr. Karl Remeis-Sternwarte. Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Dr Dominique Eckert - Université de Genève, Dr Hirofumi Noda - JAXA representative - Astronomical Institute. Tohoku University, Dr Ciro Pinto - Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica Palermo (INAF – IASF), Dr Gabriel Pratt - CEA Saclay - IRFU - Département d'Astrophysique, Prof Nanda Rea - Institut de Ciencies de l'Espai (ICE-CSIC), Dr Eleonora Troja - Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata.
The Athena community counts more than 1000 researchers divided into five Working Groups: SGW1 The Hot Universe, SWG2 The Energetic Universe, SWG3 Observatory Science, TWG4 Telescope and MWG5 Mission Performance. Most of them are organised in Topical Panels (e.g. SWG1.3, MPG5.2, etc).
In case of affiliation changes, please fill in this form with the updated data and consent. Please note that if messages sent to an email in our database bounce regularly, the corresponding person will be removed from the community database.
Athena Community Map
In this map, we show the members of our community together with their topical panels' memberships, positioned in their reference institutes. If you can't find yourself, contact us.