Françoise Combes galardonada con la 23 edición de los premios internacionales FWIS

Françoise Combes awarded the 23rd FWIS International Awards

    Françoise Combes galardonada con la 23 edición de los premios internacionales FWIS

    One of the five the 23rd For Women in Science International Awards has been awarded to the astrophysicist Prof. Françoise Combes.

    Françoise is a very active member of the Athena community. She is chair of SWG3.5 the multiwavelength synergies working group and she was a member of the ESO-Athena Synergy Team (EAST) to highlight the synergies between Athena and ESO’s facilities. 

    Great news for the celebration of the Women in Science Day!