#AthenaNuggets: Cúmulos de galaxias agitados y revueltos a través de los ojos de Athena

#AthenaNuggets: Shaken and Stirred Galaxy Clusters Through Athena's Eyes

    #AthenaNuggets: Cúmulos de galaxias agitados y revueltos a través de los ojos de Athena

    By Esra Bulbul, Max Gaspari , Vittorio Ghirardini  and John ZuHone

    Galaxy Clusters, the largest organised structures of the Universe, provide important clues on how galaxies form and evolve. The hot plasma allocated in the clusters, the intracluster medium, primarily emits in the X-ray band and later on the electrons within the ICM interact with the cosmic microwave background through the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect.

    The Athena observatory, in synergy with SZ maps from ground-based radio telescopes, will provide groundbreaking information on how the structures in our Universe form and evolve, as described in AthenaNuggets #32.