Athena X-ray Advances series: webinar by Angie Veronica
The next webinar of the “Athena X-ray Advances: Science Webinars” is forseen on the 31st of January from 1 to 2 pm CET. Angie Veronica (Argelander-Institut für Astronomie) will give the webinar entitled: Characterizing the warm-hot filaments in a galaxy cluster system with eROSITA.
Abstract: The A3391/95 system is a complex galaxy cluster system that has been observed by various X-ray instruments to search for the "missing" baryons located in the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM). The eROSITA Performance Verification (PV) observations provide the largest and deepest X-ray large-scale overview of this system. An area of ~15 square degrees of the field is covered and a ~15 Mpc continuous soft emission is discovered. This filament connects several galaxy clusters and groups, including the A3391, A3395N/S, the Northern Clump, and the MCXC J0631.3-5610 cluster. In this study, we focus on the outskirts (R500 < r < R200) and the detected inter-cluster filaments (> R200). Our results include obtaining the characteristic properties (e.g., the X-ray temperature, R500, and M500) of a spatially resolved group of galaxies, residing in one of the filaments. Furthermore, from the filament region, we detect a warm-hot ~1 keV gas, which is close to the upper limit of the predicted temperature of the WHIM. Finally, with the newAthena, characterizing nearby WHIM emission filaments should become routine, enabling us to systematically trace and characterize the warm/hot phase of the nearby baryons. We will show some of the prospects/feasibility of the filament studies with the newAthena.
The webinar connection details are as follows: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89596487675?pwd=HtYXMy4o8vY5-3Of9nMDEPIaLz8zLw.ozaukUj-AilENTPw Passcode:383489.
Further information, including the code of conduct, is accessible on the dedicated website.

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