Avances en rayos X con Athena: seminarios web sobre ciencia de ASST y ACO

Athena X-ray Advances: ASST & ACO Science Webinars

    The next webinar of the “Athena X-ray Advances: ASST & ACO Science Webinars” will take place on the 21st of July at 15 CEST. Manami Sasaki will give the webinar entitled: Beauty of the beast: supernova remnants seen in X-rays.

    Abstract: Supernovae are among the most powerful events that occur in galaxies, releasing a large amount of energy. In supernovae and supernova remnants (SNRs) various physical processes at extreme conditions can be studied: supernovae are major sources of nucleosynthesis products and thus contribute significantly to the chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium (ISM), and hence of the matter in the Universe. They have played a major role already in the formation of the first astronomical structures in the early Universe and continue to play a crucial role in the evolution of galaxies. They evaporate molecular clouds, sweep up and compress colder denser gas, and thus form new structures in the ISM. Moreover, in the strong shocks of SNRs, particles are accelerated to relativistic energies forming the population of the highest-energy particles in a galaxy. I will give an overview of what we have learned so far about SNRs using past and current X-ray observatories and how Athena will advance our understanding of SNRs and interstellar shocks.

    The webinar connection details are: https://zoom.us/j/96333273482?pwd=OUw3eFBWTWI4KytwaGxyZVluMFEzdz09

    Webinar ID: 963 3327 3482 (Passcode: 040303).

    Further information, including the code of conduct, is accessible on the dedicated website.

    Avances en rayos X con Athena: seminarios web sobre ciencia de ASST y ACO