Athena en la Noche Europea de los Investigadores en Santander

Athena at the European Researchers Night 2018 in Santander

    Athena en la Noche Europea de los Investigadores en Santander

    The Athena Community Office has brought Athena to Santander streets at the ERN'18. Visitors could watch there the premiere of the VR film "The X-ray Universe" by T.Matsopoulos funded by the AHEAD EU project in a joint initiative with the PO of ACO. 

    The X-ray universe was also present through different activities: astronomical images of emblematic objects seen in X-rays and in other wavelengths or in B&W for the kids to be coloured, and Kahoot games ('Black Holes' and 'X-ray Astronomy') to be played by the visitors with their smartphones.

    All these resources will be soon in the outreach section. Meanwhile, have a look at the event summary video on our YouTube channel.