#AthenaNuggets: rastreando la historia y el origen de la formación de elementos químicos, por Jelle de Plaa (SRON)

#AthenaNuggets: tracing the history and origin of chemical element formation, by Jelle de Plaa

    #AthenaNuggets: rastreando la historia y el origen de la formación de elementos químicos, por Jelle de Plaa (SRON)

    Most chemical elements essential for life were created by nuclear reactions inside stars and released into space when stars explode as supernovae. Jelle de Plaa explains how Athena, and in particular X-IFU, will help us to understand the chemical enrichment of the hot gas in clusters of galaxies due to billions of supernovae over cosmic time.

    Please, read our AthenaNuggets #6 and take a look at the associated video in our Youtube channel.