Tercer anuncio de oportunidad para unirse a los grupos de trabajo/paneles tópicos de la comunidad Athena

Third Announcement of Opportunity to join the Athena Community Working Groups/Topical Panels

    Tercer anuncio de oportunidad para unirse a los grupos de trabajo/paneles tópicos de la comunidad Athena

    Applications to join the Athena Community Working Groups/Topical Panels are opened to all researchers with appropriate background and strong interest in scientific and technical matters related to the Athena mission, specially –but not only- to early career researchers.

    Candidates willing to be part of this community are invited to fill the following form (only one per applicant). The deadline for applications is 31st January 2017, 14:00 CET. Applications will be assessed soon after this, with the aim to appoint new members in February 2017.

    The Announcement of Opportunity is fully available here.