#AthenaNuggets: Fuentes De Rayos X Ultraluminosas: Cuando Los Objetos Compactos Se Convierten En Acretantes Glotones, por Christian Motch

#AthenaNuggets: Ultra-Luminous X-ray Sources: When Compact Objects Become Gluttonous Accretors, by Christian Motch

    #AthenaNuggets: Fuentes De Rayos X Ultraluminosas: Cuando Los Objetos Compactos Se Convierten En Acretantes Glotones, por Christian Motch

    In the #AthenaNuggets 16, Christian Motch discusses Ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs), which are unique laboratories to study the physics of accretion in an extreme mode. The exquisite spectral resolution of Athena will allow astronomers to survey a wide range of ULXs in the local universe, bringing crucial information of these gluttonous accretors.