“Cosmological Web Portal”: creación de observaciones virtuales de cúmulos de galaxias con Athena, por Klaus Dolag (MPA)

Cosmological Web Portal: creating virtual Athena observations of galaxy clusters, by Klaus Dolag (MPA)

    “Cosmological Web Portal”: creación de observaciones virtuales de cúmulos de galaxias con Athena, por Klaus Dolag (MPA)

    The Cosmological Web Portal enables scientists to create virtual observations of galaxy clusters from the Magneticum Pathfinder simulations. Galaxy clusters can be easily queried by their properties, and the resulting samples can be downloaded or visualize within the ClusterFind service. The PHOX service allows to create individual, virtual mock X-ray observation for various instruments, including future missions like Athena and its different instruments. In addition, idealized X-ray, temperature and SZ maps for these clusters can be created using the SMAC service. Finally the SimCut service allows to obtain the full, raw simulation data of a cluster for even more detailed analysis.

    Use the public browsing for exploration or register for the complete services directly on the Cosmological Web Portal, site.

    Read more about in the Web Portal Article or watch an introduction movie.