AHEAD - Anuncio del sexto Ciclo de Oportunidades

AHEAD – Announcement of Opportunity Cycle 6

    AHEAD - Anuncio del sexto Ciclo de Oportunidades

    The AHEAD (Integrated Activities for High Energy Astrophysics) project solicits proposals for its program of transnational visits. Three calls are included in this Announcement of Opportunity Cycle 6 (AO-6) with submission deadline on 30 of June 2018.

    The types of visit on offer are:

    -Experimental facilities: free access to some of the best European ground test and calibration facilities relevant for high-energy astrophysics

    -Data analysis: free access to training in the use of X-ray and gamma-ray data via tutorials and mentoring at host institutes

    -Research visits: funding to support research visits for scientists and engineers to foster new or strengthen existing collaborations

    Visitor grants include full reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses.

    For further information and links to the AO-6 call.