La segunda conferencia científica dedicada al observatorio de rayos X de Athena: las presentaciones están disponibles en acceso abierto para la comunidad astronómica

The second scientific conference Athena: presentations are openly accessible

    La segunda conferencia científica dedicada al observatorio de rayos X de Athena: las presentaciones están disponibles en acceso abierto para la comunidad astronómica

    The second scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory was held at Palermo (Italy) between the 24th and the 28th of September 2018.

    There were 71 scientific talks covering the following topics: Athena status, programmatic and technology, the core science of the mission, i.e, the Hot Universe and Energetic Universe, the expected observatory science and the strong synergies of Athena with other contemporary observatories all over the electromagnetic spectrum and multimessenger observatories.

    The presentations in PDF format are openly accessible to the astronomical community in the Athena Document Repository under the Second Athena Conference category.