SAC o el arte de convertir la matriz grande de detectores de WFI en el dispositivo de anti-coincidencia de sí misma

#AthenaNuggets: SAC or the art of turning the WFI Large Detector Array into the Anti-Coincidence of itself

    SAC o el arte de convertir la matriz grande de detectores de WFI en el dispositivo de anti-coincidencia de sí misma

    By Silvano Molendi on behalf of the WFI Background Working Group

    In the #AthenaNuggets 39, Silvano Molendi (IASF-Milano/INAF) explains to us the Self-Anti-Coincidence (SAC) technique, developed by the Wide Field Imager (WFI) background working group. This technique will minimize the background intensity to such a low level that it will be possible to investigate sources currently dominated by the background.