#AthenaNuggets: Discos de acreción deformado por estrellas de neutrones magnéticas

#AthenaNuggets: Accretion disks torn apart by magnetic neutron stars

    #AthenaNuggets: Discos de acreción deformado por estrellas de neutrones magnéticas

    The #AthenaNuggets 46 by Nathalie Degenaar deals with neutron stars and their magnetic fields. Under some circumstances, the magnetic field of the neutron star can be strong enough to disrupt the accretion disk and even perform as a propeller that expels gas from the disk into space. Unfortunately, the telltale emission signals of these fascinating processes would be very weak.

    The Athena's mirror and the high energy resolution of the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU), will allow to study the weak X-ray light that reflects off the inner edge of the accretion disk. Furthermore, Athena will be able to identify a set of weak and narrow emissions from ionized gas that is being dragged by the magnetic propeller.