El número 13 de la gaceta de X-IFU en línea

The X-IFU Gazette (issue 12) is online

    El número 13 de la gaceta de X-IFU en línea

    The X-IFU Gazette #12 has been recently released covering the following topics:

    • A summary of the tenth consortium meeting.
    • A report on the status of the Passive Cryogenic SIM/X-IFU Interface (PaCSXI) working group activities.
    • Interfaces: The core of system engineering
    • Micro-vibrations working group activities.
    • Upcoming consortium meeting #11, April 6th-10th in Liège.
    • Key measures to reduce travel carbon footprint.
    • The Swiss contribution to the X-IFU.
    • Bio: Stéphane Paltani.