#AthenaNuggets: Exprimiendo las Nebulosas de Viento de Púlsar

#AthenaNuggets: Gazing into the History of the Universe: How Stars and Supernovae Shape the Chemistry of Galaxy Clusters

    #AthenaNuggets: Exprimiendo las Nebulosas de Viento de Púlsar

    As Carl Sagan pointed out, “We are made of star-stuff”. However, it is not still known how and when the elements we are made of were exactly formed. The key to this issue is understanding the complexity of stellar objects as François Mernier and Edoardo Cucchetti explained in the #AthenaNuggets51.

    The spectral resolution of the Athena/X-IFU will drive this research to the next level, understanding the universe's chemical history via studying the largest-scale structures of the Universe and the journey of metals that enrich them.