#AthenaNuggets: Athena y el telescopio “Square Kilometer Array” unen sus fuerzas para detectar el gas más enrarecido del Universo

#AthenaNuggets: Athena and the Square Kilometer Array joining forces to detect the most rarefied gas in the Universe

    #AthenaNuggets: Athena y el telescopio “Square Kilometer Array” unen sus fuerzas para detectar el gas más enrarecido del Universo

    In the AthenaNugget #22, Franco Vazza, Stefano Ettori and Chiara Ferrari write about the synergy between Athena and the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) to find the expected missing baryons, by detecting the most diffuse gas phase located within the filaments of the Cosmic Web.

    The following video, created by Franco Vazza and Claudio Gheller,  shows a simulation of this rarefied gas and how Athena and SKA will observe it.