Anuncio de oportunidad de AHEAD (ciclo 5)

AHEAD Announcement of Opportunity Cycle 5

    Anuncio de oportunidad de AHEAD (ciclo 5)

    The Integrated Activities for High Energy Astrophysics (AHEAD) project solicits proposals for its program of transnational visits. AHEAD is a Research Infrastructure Program funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union. Its main goal is to integrate and open research infrastructures for high energy Astrophysics.
    This program offers access free-of-cost to some of the best European test and calibration facilities, training/mentoring on X-ray data analysis and visits of scientists/engineers at all expertise levels.

    Three main calls are included in this AO with the following submission deadlines:
    - Call 1 (Experimental Facilities): 30 June 2018.
    - Calls 2 and 3 (Data analysis/Science/Engineering): 5 January 2018, 17:00 CET.

    For further information and links to the AO-5 call, please visit the following AHEAD website.