
Observing gravitational redshift with X-ray emission in galaxy clusters with Athena X-IFU


By Alexeï Molin

The high spectral and spatial resolution of future Athena/XIFU observations will allow very precise mapping of line shifts in the X-ray emission of the galaxy clusters. As the heaviest gravitationally bound objects in the universe, galaxy clusters are subject to the effects of general relativity, which predicts redshifting of the light emitted within these objects. Using X-IFU on an idealised cluster, we studied the ability of X-IFU in measuring this gravitational redshift, and quantified the ability of X-IFU to use this as a probe of the cluster's mass. We also showed the necessity of including this effect in future studies of line shift mapping, i.e. for measuring turbulence, with X-IFU.

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