Octavo anuncio para unirse a los grupos de trabajo / paneles temáticos de la comunidad de Athena

Eight Announcement of Opportunity to Join the Athena Community Working Groups/Topical Panels

    Octavo anuncio para unirse a los grupos de trabajo / paneles temáticos de la comunidad de Athena

    The yearly call to join the Athena Community is open to all researchers with appropriate background and a strong interest in scientific and technical matters related to the Athena mission, especially –but not only- to early career researchers.

    Candidates fulfilling the above requirements and willing to join the Athena Community are invited to fill this form (only one per applicant).

    We expect interested scientists to apply for membership of one single WG/TP. Only under exceptional circumstances, the membership of two panels may be considered. In this case, a strong specific justification needs to be provided in the application.

    The deadline for applications is 15th of December 2020, 14:00 CET.