The SPIE Optics + Photonics 2017 meeting was held in San Diego (USA) from 6th to 10th of August 2017. This meeting included a dedicated session to the Athena telescope and several contributions related to the optics of the mission and two more contributions about the Wide Field Imager. Currently, 14 contributions related to Athena are listed in the SPIE Proceedings, Volumes 10397 and 10399. These contributions and links to the corresponding publications are:
- Athena: system design and implementation for a next-generation X-ray telescope, Mark R. Ayre et al.
- The Wide Field Imager instrument for Athena, Norbert Meidinger, et al.
- Studies of prototype DEPFET sensors for the Wide Field Imager of Athena, Wolfgang Treberspurg et al.
- The Athena telescope and optics status, Marcos Bavdaz et al.
- Development of Athena mirror modules, Maximilien J. Collon et al.
- Optical integration of SPO mirror modules in the Athena telescope, Giuseppe Valsecchi et al.
- Integration of the Athena mirror modules: development of indirect and X-ray direct AIT methods, Dervis Vernani et al.
- Environmental testing of the Athena mirror modules, Boris Landgraf et al.
- Optical simulations for design, alignment, and performance prediction of silicon pore optics for the ATHENA X-ray telescope, Daniele Spiga et al.
- Predicting Silicon Pore Optics, Giuseppe Vacanti et al.
- Measuring Silicon Pore Optics, Giuseppe Vacanti et al.
- Testing and calibrating the Athena optics at PANTER, Vadim Burwitz et al.
- Design, development, and performance of X-ray mirror coatings for the Athena mission, Desirée Della Monica Ferreira et al.
- Industrialization of the mirror plate coatings for the Athena mission, Sonny Massahi et al.