
Modeling Magnetic Disk Wind State Transitions...

Modeling Magnetic Disk Wind State Transitions in Black Hole X-Ray Binaries, by Keigo Fukumura

By Keigo Fukumura

A global picture of the observed blueshifted X-ray absorbers (aka. accretion disk winds) detected from black hole X-ray binaries remains elusive despite an extensive theoretical effort in conjunction with state-of-the-art dispersive observations to date. This includes the conjectured idea of wind dichotomy across state transition.

In this publication, we show that the observed multi-ion disk wind properties (e.g. column density, ionization state and velocity of various ions) can be necessarily accounted for in the context of magnetically driven scenario. We find that the persistent presence of the disk wind even during low/hard state is consistent with data due to a distinct internal change of the wind condition besides photoionization balance. We perform spectral modeling including simulated 10 ks broadband Athena/X-IFU spectra, relevant for these BH XRBs, to demonstrate that weaker absorbers (in soft band) and the spin-orbit doublet structure in Fe XXVI resonance line would be robustly resolved.

Access to the manuscript in ADS.