Mara Salvato is a member of the scientific staff of the High Energy group, at the Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany. She works mostly on evolution of X-ray selected Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), also in relation to their host galaxies and the surrounding environment. She uses large multiwavelength datasets like those offered by e.g., COSMOS, CANDELS, Euclid, and SDSS surveys, of which she is an active member.
Currently, she is preparing for the imminent launch (June 21st 2019) of eROSITA which will perform an all-sky X-ray map of the sky, 25-30 times deeper than its predecessor, ROSAT. For eROSITA, she is chair of the Follow-Up working group and she will coordinate the determination of the counterparts of the point-like X-ray sources and their distance from us.
Mara is fascinated by the brain and how it learns and can be tricked. In her free time, she creates hand-made things, from bread to jewellery. Mara is co-chair of the Athena topical panel “Multiwavelength synergy”.
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Image: Final photometric vs. spectroscopic redshifts for the entire XMM-COSMOS sample. Credit: M. Salvato. Data from Salvato et al., ApJ, 742, 2011.