Jelle is an X-ray astronomer based at SRON-Utrecht in the Netherlands and holds a second affiliation at Leiden University. After obtaining his PhD on Solar flares at Utrecht University he started working on X-ray spectroscopy of active galaxies and clusters of galaxies at SRON-Leiden. Together with Rolf Mewe, he developed the SPEX spectral analysis package.
Making the plasma models and atomic data in this software ready for Athena is presently one of his major challenges. One of his most recent astrophysical interests are the complex, shielding outflows from active galaxies.
Disentangling complex spectra is one of his favourite activities. He is currently co-chair of the Athena working group SWG 1.4 on the WHIM and member of the X-IFU Science Advisory Team.
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Image: Anatomy of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5548 that hosts an AGN. The galaxy was observed from May 2013 to February 2014 with six satellites (Kaastra et al. 2014) with the goal to study the ionized outflow and the determination of the nature and origin of the accretion-powered emission (M. Mehdipour et al. 2015; F. Ursini et al. 2015). Credit: INTEGRAL POM/ESA. More info INTEGRAL POM Gallery.