
Time-dependent photoionization spectroscopy of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3783


Caption: It plots the hydrogen number densities of the warm absorbers as a function of their ionization parameters. The error bars represent current measurements from 900 ks Chandra HETGS data, while the expected 200 ks Athena/XIFU result is shown in a red-shaded region. The grey region represents the region where the outflow is unable to escape the gravitational potential of the supermassive black hole. It highlights XIFU’s ability to detect such a failed wind.

By Liyi Gu,

This paper pioneers a timing spectroscopic analysis of non-equilibrium photoionization processes in AGN outflows. It underscores that high-resolution, high-sensitivity observations using instruments like Athena/XIFU can accurately determine outflow density and, consequently, the feedback power.

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