Etienne is a researcher at IRAP (Toulouse, France). He has been involved in the preparation and/or the exploitation of infrared, millimetre and X-ray experiments (ISO, Pronaos, XMM, Planck, SPICA, NIKA).
His research focuses on clusters of galaxies to understand the formation and the evolution of large scale structures. The high throughput and the high spectral resolution of Athena will provide him with a unique mean to pursue this goal, through the study of the dynamics and the chemical composition of the hot intra-cluster gas.
Etienne is co-chairing the Athena Topical Panel on the evolution of groups and clusters of galaxies. He is a co-I of the X-IFU instrument and a member of its science advisory team. At IRAP, Etienne works in close collaboration with the X-IFU PI, the instrument scientist and the team developing the readout electronics for the detector.
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Image: Planck map of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect signal with ROSAT X-ray overlaid contours of the Coma cluster.