Andy is an X-ray astronomer based at the Institute of Astronomy in the University of Cambridge UK. Currently, he is the Acting Director of the Institute and runs a research group funded by an ERC Advanced Grant. Over the years he has worked on data from most X-ray satellites and observed most classes of X-ray source.
Lately, his interest has centred on how accreting black holes work, heating and cooling within the cores of clusters and how black holes control their surroundings.
Most recently Andy has worked on the Hitomi SXS calorimeter observation of the Perseus cluster, which has given a direct indication of what will be possible with the much more powerful Athena/XIFU.
Andy is a member of the Athena Science Study Team, a Fellow of the Royal Society and a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences.
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Image: The Hitomi SXS spectrum of highly-ionized iron ions is superimposed on an enhanced Chandra X-ray image of the Perseus cluster core. The yellow clipped square shows the field of view of the 35 pixel detector.