Anne is an astrophysicist working at CEA Saclay. She is currently head of the Astrophysics department and the AIM research laboratory.
Anne’s research activity is based both on observations, more specifically X-rays, and the modelling of supernova remnants, including 3D numerical simulations. She is particularly interested in the young supernova remnant phase, from the explosion of the star to its evolution. X-ray observations of these objects are crucial to diagnose and characterize the nucleosynthesis products in the hot ejected supernova material, the dynamics and evolution of the remnant, and the acceleration of the particle at their strong shocks.
Anne is a member of the Athena Science Study Team, co-chair of the Athena Science Working Group on Observatory Science, and a member of the X-IFU science team. Thanks to its breakthrough capability, Athena will provide us with new eyes to observe the Universe.
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Image: Left: 3D simulations of Tycho’s supernova remnant showing both thermal and nonthermal X-ray emission, with (bottom left) and without (top left) efficient particle acceleration at the shock front. Right: the south-western quadrant of Chandra three-color composite image of Tycho’s SNR (NASA/CXC/Rutgers/J.Warren & J.Hughes et al.).