
Boletín de noticias #6 (diciembre 2018)


It is our pleasure to announce the release of the Athena Community Newsletter (issue 6), which we hope is of interest to you.

We would appreciate your help in spreading the fifth announcement of opportunity to join the Athena Community among potentially interested colleagues. Deadline on 31st January 2019.

  • Welcome
  • SKA-Athena Synergy White Paper
  • Athena Project Status
  • Fifth Announcement of Opportunity to join the Athena Community Working Groups/Topical Panels
  • News from the Instruments: WFI and X-IFU
  • #AthenaNugget: Shaken and Stirred Galaxy Clusters Through Athena's Eyes
  • #AthenaNugget: Athena inter-calibration working group
  • The 2nd Athena scientific conference Sharpening the community view on the Athena science
  • Athena Community People: Aya Bamba, Massimo Cappi and Jelle Kaastra
  • Conferences