Technological Nuggets Small pieces of wisdom about technology to approach Athena's unique capabilities to the scientific community but also to the non-experts. Buscar #AthenaNuggets 64: Time distribution in the Athena/WFI 06 Jul 2022 Francisco Javier Veredas (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics)A former classmate, when finishing his physics degree, told me that... Leer más + #AthenaNuggets 62: An extraordinary cryostat to characterize an extraordinary instrument 11 Mayo 2022 INTA-Cryostat for 2K Core Calibration team, INTA Extraordinary space instrumentation requests extraordinary characterization tools. Leer más + #AthenaNuggets 58: A magnetic broom for sweeping protons off the Athena focal plane 08 Dic 2021 Valentina Fioretti, Osservatorio di astrofisica e scienza dello spazio di Bologna - INAF Low-energy charged particles can emulate the grazing... Leer más + #AthenaNuggets 56: Flashy Calibration for the Athena/X-IFU X-ray Spectrometer 08 Sep 2021 Cor de Vries, SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research As with every instrument, the X-IFU micro-calorimeter X-ray spectrometer on... Leer más + #AthenaNuggets 52: X-IFU Filters: Soap Bubbles to Block Undesired Photons 07 Abr 2021 Marco Barbera, Università degli Studi di Palermo & Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo The X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU), an... Leer más + #AthenaNuggets 50: Shaking the WFI Optical Blocking Filters: Vibration of Foils Thinner than Paper 03 Feb 2021 Valeria Antonelli & Jintin Frank, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics Optical blocking filters (OBF), described in #AthenaNuggets 23 and... Leer más + #AthenaNuggets 47: Finding the needle in the haystack: The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence 07 Oct 2020 Claudio Macculi (INAF/IAPS) on behalf of X-IFU CryoAC team Beating down the X-IFU particle background is fundamental to enable several... Leer más + #AthenaNuggets 45: Distributed Control and Data Processing onboard Athena WFI 02 Jul 2020 Markus Plattner, Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics The Wide Field Imager (WFI) is a camera with a detector based... Leer más + #AthenaNuggets 43: First development model of the X-IFU Focal Plane Assembly ready for test 06 Mayo 2020 Henk van Weers, SRON, on behalf of the X-IFU FPA team Within Athena, the primary mirror concentrates the... Leer más + Paginación Página actual 1 Page 2 Page 3 Siguiente página ›› Última página »
#AthenaNuggets 64: Time distribution in the Athena/WFI 06 Jul 2022 Francisco Javier Veredas (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics)A former classmate, when finishing his physics degree, told me that... Leer más +
#AthenaNuggets 62: An extraordinary cryostat to characterize an extraordinary instrument 11 Mayo 2022 INTA-Cryostat for 2K Core Calibration team, INTA Extraordinary space instrumentation requests extraordinary characterization tools. Leer más +
#AthenaNuggets 58: A magnetic broom for sweeping protons off the Athena focal plane 08 Dic 2021 Valentina Fioretti, Osservatorio di astrofisica e scienza dello spazio di Bologna - INAF Low-energy charged particles can emulate the grazing... Leer más +
#AthenaNuggets 56: Flashy Calibration for the Athena/X-IFU X-ray Spectrometer 08 Sep 2021 Cor de Vries, SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research As with every instrument, the X-IFU micro-calorimeter X-ray spectrometer on... Leer más +
#AthenaNuggets 52: X-IFU Filters: Soap Bubbles to Block Undesired Photons 07 Abr 2021 Marco Barbera, Università degli Studi di Palermo & Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo The X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU), an... Leer más +
#AthenaNuggets 50: Shaking the WFI Optical Blocking Filters: Vibration of Foils Thinner than Paper 03 Feb 2021 Valeria Antonelli & Jintin Frank, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics Optical blocking filters (OBF), described in #AthenaNuggets 23 and... Leer más +
#AthenaNuggets 47: Finding the needle in the haystack: The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence 07 Oct 2020 Claudio Macculi (INAF/IAPS) on behalf of X-IFU CryoAC team Beating down the X-IFU particle background is fundamental to enable several... Leer más +
#AthenaNuggets 45: Distributed Control and Data Processing onboard Athena WFI 02 Jul 2020 Markus Plattner, Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics The Wide Field Imager (WFI) is a camera with a detector based... Leer más +
#AthenaNuggets 43: First development model of the X-IFU Focal Plane Assembly ready for test 06 Mayo 2020 Henk van Weers, SRON, on behalf of the X-IFU FPA team Within Athena, the primary mirror concentrates the... Leer más +